6 stages of content marketing strategy
Why this increased attention for content marketing? Because traditional methods of generating differentiation and notoriety no longer work as efficiently as they used to and/or require large budgets.
A study by DemandMetric shows, compared to traditional marketing, content marketing costs 62% less and can generate 3 times as many leads.
On the other hand, although 93% of marketers say they do content marketing, 87% say they have trouble create content that produces engagement on social media. To results, the content we offer must educate, educate, inspire and motivate. Thus, we have to go through the next 6 steps for a strong content marketing strategy.
1. Setting goals
It is essential to start by finding SMART answers to the following questions: Why do content marketing? Will our notoriety increase? Will our sales increase? Will we keep our customers loyal? The objective is not to be good at content marketing, but to do good business through content marketing.
2. Identification of differentiators
Here the question we start from is: What is special and unique about your business and what kind of original content can you generate? Most of the time the answer is not related to your products/services, but about something much more important. It's about how, through your business, you want to make a difference in other people's lives.
3. Approval of measurement indicators
Objectives will dictate your indicators. If you want to get leads, you won't measure notoriety. In content marketing we have 4 types of indicators: consumer indicators, distribution, lead generation and sales indicators. For 87% of marketers the most important indicator is the quality of the sales, followed by sales (84%), conversion rates (82%) and the quantity of the seedlings (74%).
4. Understanding the needs of target audiences
Content is also dictated by the target audiences or audiences we choose. The questions we should ask ourselves are: Who are my clients? What do they want? What does he appreciate? How do they spend their time? What influences them? What type of content do they want? Once you have the answers to these questions, organize the content by target audience categories and stages in the purchase process.
5. Preparing content
Este important să nu faceți content marketing din inerție. Nu trebuie să aveți blog/vlog pentru că e la modă, ci să satisfaceți așteptările de conținut și relevanță ale publicurilor țintă alese. Așadar faceți tot ce puteți ca să aflați ce tip de conținut apreciază cei cărora vreți să vă adresați. La fel de important este să oferiți conținut mai ușor de produs, consumat și distribuit în faza de ATENȚIE și INTENȚIE. Pe de altă parte, în faza de DORINȚĂ și ACȚIUNE aveți nevoie de elemente de conținut mai consistente (studii de caz, articole de expert, etc) pentru a închide vânzarea.
6. Content amplification
Once you've created the content, you need to make it visible. Content is spark, and social media is gasoline. Of course, you need to decline content relevantly on every social media platform. But above all, you have to keep in mind the idea that in content marketing we don't make brochures (or articles, or posts), but we provide information, motivation and inspiration to existing and potential customers.